Friday, September 16, 2011

Blast From The Past who remembers the 2-XL Robot from the 1970's ?

2-XL is Mego's 1970's entry into the educational toy category, invented by Dr. Michael J. Freeman - an honest to goodness educator. Pop in one of several special robo-cartridges, and the voice of 2-XL will ask you questions on the cart's topic. Each question has three choices, and you select your answer using one of the three buttons on the robot's front. 2-XL's voice will either sing your priases, or gently razz your defeat. Neat little bit of interactive media, eh?

Eagle-eyed Retrothingers may notice that the cartridges are in the much beleaguered 8 track tape format. It's actually a clever use of 8 track - the questions are on one track, and your keypresses change tracks on the tape. You get different responses based on your selection. 2-XL was a rather clever interactive toy - it was even reintroduced using audio cassettes in the 90's.

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